Tongue Twister

Sunday, December 24, 2006
Merry Christmas Eve!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006
May the force be with you

There are sand guys. And there good guys. And there are bad guys. And there’s a princess. There’s a robot (read: C-3PO) and his little thing (read: R2-D2), and the robot wants to go one way, and the little thing wants to go the other way and ends up in a trash truck. (I was not aware of Waste Management vehicles in the movie, but I guess I was not paying close enough attention to those details when I watched it!) There’s a boy named Luke. There’s a really big
bad guy. Daddy says, “The good guys always win,” but the big bad black guy (read: Darth Vader) killed Obi-Wan Kenobi…. (There’s a long pause, and after much thought, Blessing #2 says,) But they both had life savers (actually, they both had lightsabers), so I really don’t understand that part at all… How did the big bad black guy kill Obi-Wan Kenobi if Obi-Wan Kenobi had a life saver, too? Hmmm… life savers, huh. Life savers like the plastic donuts that they throw into a pool or Life Savers like the tasty original fruits candy? Then there’s the big guy named Chewbacca. (B#3:) He’s a lion! (B#2:) *giggle* No he’s not! He’s a gorilla, silly!
It was at this point that I asked if they saw any Ewoks. They asked what they were. I said they look like Zacchaeus but they wear little leather vests and carry sticks and walk on two legs. They just stared at me blankly.
Anyway, there is much excitement over Star Wars, and they are very eager to watch the second half. As such, it only seemed obvious to get the Star Wars’ Mr. Potato Head for a Christmas gift. This guy cracks me up-- he’s hilarious! I honestly think that Darth Tater is just about the coolest thing!
Speaking of Mr. Potato Head, the kids are really into this new thing of scrunching up and twisting their faces and saying, “Look! I’m Picasso!” After many puzzled looks, I finally made the connection and figured out the source of the new game…. Toy Story—the part where Mr. Potato Head says that when his pieces are all mixed up on his face. So silly...
Kids pick up the funniest things on t.v. A lot of times it’s the things that you wouldn’t really expect. Drugstores everywhere can be glad to know that successful marketing may just bring in a younger generation of oral care shoppers. B#3 informed me yesterday that we needed to buy some SeaBond because, well, “we need it.” It’s comfortable, and it works. “We need some ‘cause it’s the best.” SeaBond has convinced a 4 year old that it is a necessity to purchase their denture adhesive!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

In the midst of all this knocking, there was also some buzzing. And the buzzing produced a couple good chuckles. Usually it’s my little man who entertains me with the funny things he says, but the credit for yesterday goes to Blessing #1.
I have my phone set to vibrate and ring. It starts vibrating before it starts ringing. The phone was on the kitchen counter and I was in the other room checking my email. The phone started to buzz on the counter. I headed to the kitchen to answer it. When I got in there, I picked up the phone (thus eliminating the buzzing on the counter) and heard B#1 giggling. She turns to B#2 and excitedly says,
“Moma’s phone was tooting! Did you hear that?! Her phone toots! That is so funny! Moma’s phone’s tooting!”

Sunday, December 03, 2006
Holiday Decorations

and I painted
and Christmas trees!

Friday, December 01, 2006
Car conversations
He is intently studying his finger.
B#3: Hey, Mom. Did you know that snot is made out of booger juice? It sure is. Did you know that, Moma?
Monkey Moma: Oh really, huh. Hmm...
B#2: Moma, I'm feeling thirsty. I feel like drinking some juice or something.
MM: Booger juice?
B#2: Yeah! ...Really!
She lowers her voice some as she turns to talk to B#5 who is sitting next to her.
B#2: I said that because I really just want to know what booger juice looks like!
This prompts B#3 to quickly unplug his finger from his nose and shove it in front of B#2's face.
B#3: Hey! Hey! Lookie at my finger! Look! Mmm! Hey!
Booger juicy! Booger juicy! Booger juicy!
