Bad old puddy tat!

Unbeknownst to me, Sylvester Gypsy apparently brought me a gift this morning.
I was in the kitchen feeding breakfast to Blessings # 2, 4, & 5, while alternately calling upstairs for B#s 1&3 to “hurry your buns and come downstairs!” The radio was playing; dishes were clanking in the sink; monkeys were chattering.
I could hear B#3 calling to me, but I couldn’t make out what he was saying with all the kitchen noise. Assuming he was informing me that he was now awake and out of bed, I told him to get dressed and come eat before we had to leave for school.
Soon Beloved Husband, who on most mornings would have been long gone and working already, hollers to me, as well.
BH: Who left the door open?!
Monkey Moma: What door?
BH: The outside door!
MM: There aren’t any doors open.
BH: Why is there a bird in the house?!
MM: What bird? Where?
BH: In the window! That stinkin’ cat must’ve brought it in! (insert his audible grunt of frustration here) I’ve got to get to work!
Oh lovely. (insert my silent grunt of frustration here) Lifeless, bloody, ruffled-feather remains of a little tweety. Which window? Whose bedroom was this bird in? Why was a dead bird in a window?
Nope, not the case. Tweety was definitely in a window, but Tweety was also quite alive. Alive in a very HIGH window.
A ladder, two fishing nets, a tall husband, and several minutes later, the bird was captured and released back into nature. (This was also a good opportunity to rescue the frisbee and sparkly purple bracelet that were in the window adorning my twiggy orchids.)
And, lucky me, the gift just kept on giving.
Tweety’s poop was on the wall.
It seems that B#3 was trying to tell me that he saw a bird in the house.

Friday, May 25, 2007
Clean Shrill as a Whistle

Wednesday, May 23, 2007
LaughterThoughts' RandomThoughts
1.) Our kitty, which gave birth to four adorable babies six weeks ago, went in to be spayed. After scheduling the appointment (I called Monday afternoon and took her in Tuesday morning), I was a bit worried I had made the call prematurely and was going to cause some type of psychological trauma to her or to the kittens. But fears were subsided as the kitties didn’t seem fazed at all... in fact, they seemed to be even more playful with Mama Cat gone. And the vet called to say that Gypsy had done wonderfully and could go home early.
Apparently the timing of my call to the vet was perfect, as I was informed this morning (upon picking her up to bring home) that Gypsy was, once again, in heat.
2.) Typin+g is difficult++ when you’ve got a* li-ttle munchkin pushing + +on the key+board and

Said mischievous, toothy, sleepy munchkin now has tears streaming down his cheeks because this Moma said, “Nu-uh!” Not only did I push the mouse out of his reach, but I won’t let him push the power button on the computer. Mean ol’ Moma.
3.) If I trusted them with my washing machine, I’d put them in charge of their own laundry. I don’t, so I haven’t. But, rather, in a moment of
I have learned my lesson the hard way. I’m still learning it.
4.) I don’t like to eat food that was meant to be hot when it’s cold (i.e. pizza out of the refrigerator). Nor do I like to smell it. For example, when pulling leftover spaghetti out of the refrigerator, I breathe through my mouth so I won’t gag on the smell of cold sauce. Once it’s in the microwave getting nice and warm, I can switch to nose-breathing without feeling nauseous.
5.) Sometimes I put ice in my milk.
6.) Because, while waiting in the school parking lot, I let my tired and sick baby cry in his carseat rather than getting him out and rocking him to sleep, I was verbally attacked by a strange woman who claimed to have called the police on me for my negligence. She then threatened to call again for endangerment because I left the baby alone in the car.
I met with the school principal first thing the next morning to let him know that there was an unpleasant, aggressive, and hateful woman making things uncomfortable for me and my children. I figured I’d better talk to him before she did, since I have no doubt that she did! I needed to get my story in to him first, right?
I know, I know. She just needs the Lord. But I figure I might be a better witness to God’s love when I’m feeling a little more tenderhearted towards her.
7.) All my monkeys could use a nap right now. In fact, I could use a nap right now. But since I selfishly want them to go to bed early tonight, I will muster up the strength and patience to get through the rest of the evening. I must have the kitchen and the dishes and the general house pick-up all in order so that I can, in peace and without the distraction of five wily monkeys, learn the results of last night’s vote and say a sad good-bye to the third season of Lost.
For 100 more, dive into the Cereal Bowl.
Now, to spread the randomness, I tag Alli with her Adventures in Imperfection, Pinky in her land of colorful Polkadots, the Mama Bird in Little Flamingo’s Little World, and the Queen of the Princess Diaries' castle.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007
I've got a monkey on my back
Well, five kids later... and, even then, not until Blessing #5 is nearly 16-months old...

Monday, May 14, 2007
Sunny Sunday, Sunday Funny
I am still laughing over a joke shared with me by my MOPS mentor mom. Since my giggles are still going, I think this is a joke definitely worth sharing!
The pastor took his calling card and wrote "Revelation 3:20," which reads, “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me."
After services, the pastor went to his office, opened his Bible, and read the verse from Genesis: "He answered, 'I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked, so I hid.'"

Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Deck the Walls
This same little monkey, Blessing #3, has decorated the wall by his bed with newspaper cut-outs. He had a bit of help from B#2, but their cooperative effort was really quite impressive. Mind you, he’s only four, so I thought the large Spidey mask watching over his slumber was pretty cute… though, I’m not quite sure what to think about the Queen or the car salesman or the roof specialists or the hairdressers.

Thursday, May 03, 2007
apples & acrobatics & asparagus

Total cost for both: $2.04. That’s 44 cents for each of the terra cotta pots, 39 cents for each of the “lids,” and 38 cents for a bottle of red acrylic paint. All other materials

The quick trip to Wal-Mart after lunch, for the aforementioned goodies, ultimately led to the afternoon’s great adventure. After our shopping trip, we went to the house for a potty stop before heading to school. Because I pulled the shopping bags from the back of the car, the kids got out of the car that way, too.

And because they got out the back, my good-intentioned, well-meaning, awfully-considerate kids closed the doors after exiting the car…. closed them onto a blanket. While scooting their little bottoms out the back, they also scooted the blanket that is stored back there. The corner of the blanket scooted out right over the latch catch.
So I am driving to school with the “Door Ajar” message flashing at

I somersault myself back to the front and get out of the car. Going

Doors won’t close. Doors won’t open. Offending blanket won’t budge. Utter frustration.
Frustration turns to exasperation when Monkey Daddy comes home and goes to the driveway to assess the situation.
(I suppose it’s at this point I should mention that my dear, beloved husband got the doors open in a matter of seconds. Then he strutted into the kitchen, flexed his muscles, and grinned. *snort*)
Also climbing around… our kitties. They tasted freedom after some playtime on the closet floor with Moma Cat and Monkey Moma. As soon as they were back in the box, there was the scratch-scratch-scratch of kitty toenails clawing the cardboard to escape to sweet liberty among the laundry and the shoes. After a couple rescues (such as finding one of the kitties belly-flopped over the edge of the box), I went upstairs this evening to discover Matilda missing. She wasn’t making any noise (but it was because of all the racket the others were making, that I noticed she was gone), so I wasn’t sure where she was. I eventually found her on top of a big duffle bag in the corner of the closet. Near the kitty box, but even so, I’m not sure how she got up there! I got her down, put her in the box, turned around for 30 seconds, turned back and she had already climbed out again…
Asparagus! Asparagus! Asparagus!
It’s in season. I love it. BH loves it. The older kids love it. But since it can be pricey, I can be a bit stingy about sharing it. But that is when I buy it. When you’ve got a sink full of it, and it was free, you don’t mind gorging out on it. And you don’t hesitate to share the veggie wealth with friends. We have the inside scoop on where asparagus grows wildly right across the highway from us. Lots and lots of it. Fresh-picked wild asparagus. Mmm!
