Halloween 2007

Idle threat? Yeah, pretty much so.
But I didn't fib. If I did say it, I said maybe.
Guess it worked, though. B#3 turns to B#4 and with great enthusiasm exclaimed, Hey! Let's wait! And then we can fight when we get home!
More happy, happy, joy, joy when B#4 responded with an eager Yay! Okay!
Come trick-or-treating time, seven set out- three princesses, a superhero, a sheriff, a daddy escort, and a weary moma tag-along.
There's a new sheriff in town. No walking for this big guy. As his shoes have been misplaced, B#5 rode door-to-door on his four-

The Reese's and Milky Way were crushed but withstood the gnashing.

Forget the motto. M&Ms melt in your mouth, in your hands, and on your white-felt Holstein chaps.

Even so, B#5 may have fared better than Thor, whose bag developed a hole, as he kept dragging it along the sidewalk. Evidently, it was not a little hole either. He came home with just a couple small pieces of candy. But his happy-factor was still big, especially when Moma moved candy from the other kids' bags into his. :)
This superhero did a marvelous job of beefing up his public support. No generic "trick-or-treat" and general "thank you" for this one. His good-natured, innocent banter was in proportion to his good-sized muscles.
Don't I look fancy? This is my Thor dress-up! I'm a hero! Look at my big muscles! (Insert courtesy muscle flexing here.) The last house gave me three pieces of candy! Whoop! Whoop! Hey you funny scary face! Hallo-hallo-ween-een-een! Ohhh... double thanks!

Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and Ariel were adorned in blue eyeshadow and ruby-red lipstick... Need I say more? A little make-up and these girls were in princess-costume heaven.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Pumpkin Carvin'
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Play and Feed
and see how many
grains of rice
you can donate!

Friday, October 26, 2007
The search...

Friday, October 19, 2007
No computer games, I said. "That's okay, Moma," they oh-so-sweetly responded. "We just want to color!"
When we arrived at the coloring table, my kids were the only ones. The coloring pages were neatly filed in the slots, and the crayons were all in the bucket. It was tidy and orderly.
That was when we arrived. After two milliseconds, Blessing #5 stormed through.
I was retrieving my library card out of my wallet and turned my head to find B#5 grabbing fistful after fistful of crayons, piling them on the table.
In case you weren't aware, a pile of crayons rolls.

There were crayons scattered all over the table, all over the bench, all over the floor. So, the conscientious mother that I am, I scolded the little cherub and started cleaning the crayons.
You know the rule: Always leave it cleaner than you found it.
Ha. That was unlikely. So I went by the next best rule: Leave it clean enough that you're not embarrassed to be seen walking away from it.
I got all the crayons back in the bucket. B#5 was no longer interested in coloring. He had moved on.

I grabbed him as he wiggled the mouse with one hand and was about to push the power button on the computer with the other. I told the kids we were leaving. Now.
B#5 was irritable. Mom's no fun, and he hadn't napped yet.
I sent B#2 and B#4 out the door and told them to wait on the chairs in the lobby. I was holding B#5. B#1 and B#3 were still coloring. I gave them the exaggerated jerk of the head, motioning toward the door. B#1 reluntantly left the table.
B#3 said he was still coloring.
Exaggerated head jerk accompanied by the you-had-better-get-up-now look.
Boy, that boy can be stubborn.
I went over to him, leaned down and said that we were leaving and he could color at home.
Boy, that boy can whine.
With the I-have-loud-kids-in-a-quiet-establishment supermom strength, I picked up the hollering child by the underarm and carried him to the exit... where he then collapsed in a heap like a pile of wet noodles.
I pushed that pile of wet noodles out the door with my foot. Some people might say "kicked."
Noooo. I say "rolled."
With one book in hand (and a crying baby, a fussing preschooler, and two barefoot children), I left the library.
Ah, a drive-thru. Wouldn't that be handy. Or a complimentary delivery service.

Monday, October 15, 2007
The Snapshot Rain Tour
I guess it seems that there are some times in life when it feels inappropriate to laugh, but if there's one thing I've learned over this last week, it is that laughter really is the best medicine.
There can be joy even in the grief. There can be smiles even in the tears.
And it is healing.
As I spent these last days with family and friends saying good-bye to my youngest brother, I became so aware of God's grace. Even in sorrow, there is peace. I did not spend the week questioning God's reasons or God's timing. Rather I spent the week recalling the memories and rejoicing in the knowledge that Jesus had called my brother home.
Nobody was prepared to say good-bye. My brother went to sleep that night thinking he'd wake up and spend another day at Disney World with his family. But as the pastor said in the memorial service, I'm sure no one was more surprised than my brother when he woke up, not in that hotel room, but in the arms of his Savior.
And how can I not smile at that?
It's bittersweet, but "yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me."
And because Sixbit wouldn't have wanted it any other way, I make my "return" to blogging with something silly... because laughter really is healing.
Heidi Suburban
Mocha Biscotti
Orange Piggy
Michelle Lovelace
The Pink Fizzy
Pershing Ganum
Jane Ray
Hood Houston
Autumn Daisy
Cantaloupe Fleecy
Yogurt Willow
The Snapshot Rain Tour
Join in the fun. It's good for ya.:)
