Happy Birthday, Jesus!

Through him all things were made;
We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

Friday, December 21, 2007
Spilling the beans
Expected arrival date of a baby monkey to the exhibit.
Positively confirmed, courtesy of Dollar Tree's $1 home pregnancy test.
Hmmm... maybe I do have an excuse for my blogging slump...
After all, I have been hiking Mount Everest
every. single. day.
Isn't that right, Pinks?!:):):)
Where's my orange juice?! I need orange juice!!!

Thursday, December 20, 2007
Humph. Ha-ha. So there.
There’s never an end to it.
Maybe it’s not always obvious and blatant... Still, it’s there.
Even when one is completely ignorant as to the subject matter, it’s there.
It may be somewhat passive aggressive at times… But if you look, really look, oh surprise, surprise; it's there.
Also known as “sibling rivalry.”
Overheard earlier:
Blessing #3: Guess what? We watched “Turkey Cheese” today!
B#1 (aloofly): Oh. I’ve already seen that.
B#4: No, it was “Turkey-lese.” We watched “Turkey-lese” today!
B#1 (doubly aloofly): Oh. I’ve already seen that, too.
Really now... you don’t say... what an impressive movie-viewing repertoire for my 7-year-old!
The fact that it was actually “Hercules” is not all that important, I'm sure, since she's most certainly already seen that one, as well.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Stealing the Show
They're monkeys, for sure, but they're cuties. We had the church Christmas children's program Sunday night. We captured a good hour of video, so I cut out a few clips and uploaded them for your viewing enjoyment. :)
Stop the Amazing Grace video first!

Thursday, December 06, 2007
Random musings... brought to you by Blessing #3.
Moomm... Sometimes you've got to just open up your mouth and let the sunshine get into your throat, huh.
Don't ya, Mom? You know why? Huh, Moma?
'Cause if you swallow an apple seed...
(Insert thoughtful pause.)
And then you have to eat some dirt, too.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Of special excitement during our wait in the parking lot was the spotting of a man walking his miniature horse. The kids were thrilled.
Oh. Did I say horse? Hmmm... maybe I meant dog.

As in:
"Moma! Can I please have some lick'm'up for my chicken nuggies?!"
