Morning musings
dropping off the olders at school,
the youngers were involved
in a deep conversation:
MM: I guess there are lots of different things that could happen that could make them break.
B#3: Maybe. Or a hand saw. That could break your bones!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Blessing #4, who hasn’t been feeling too great either, put herself to bed late yesterday morning, slept through lunchtime, and woke up mid-afternoon. She was mostly acting like she was fighting off something—more sleepy than normal with the occasional low fever and not much of an already-little appetite. All in all, after all her napping yesterday, she seemed to be doing better.
I woke up today and found that she had at some point early this morning climbed into bed with me. My pregnant belly was hanging off the edge of the bed, and she was stretched across the width of the bed, her feet at my back and her head clear to the other side of the bed. T-boned… and she definitely had more space to sprawl. To my advantage, I was able to very easily roll out of bed and head to the shower.
By the time I was out of the shower, she had moved and was over in my spot, head on my pillow, sleeping away peacefully. I got dressed, heard her cough in her sleep, and went into “alert” mode.
It wasn’t just a cough. It was that cough. The one that signals something bad is about to happen.
Like kid vomit.
In my bed.
At least I knew it was coming. Unfortunately, by the time I waddled out of the bathroom and around the bed, I was too late to do anything about it.
So into the washing machine went the bedding and my fluffy goose-down pillow. Out of the washing machine came the bedding and my lumpy hard pillow. Into the dryer went the bedding, my lumpy hard pillow, and a tennis ball. As I type, we are being serenaded by the drumming boom-boom-boom of the ball knocking around in the dryer… hopefully bringing my pillow back to super fluffiness.
On the drive to school, I thought ahead. I put a towel over B#4 in case of another vomit-emergency. That way maybe I would not be out trying to clean it out of the carseat and seatbelt and all that. We had not made it half-a-second down the street when the towel came in handy. Yay for towels... especially ones that stayed in the car after the big clean out.
I’ve got almost 2 hours until lunch. I’d skip out on it, but I don’t think B#3 or B#5 will let me get by with that. That means I’ve got almost two hours to relax.
It is definitely going to be a lazy day around here. And I’ll have a good excuse to plop my bottom on the couch, put my feet up, and close my eyes. Just as long as B#4 doesn’t throw up anymore. ‘Cause then I’ll have to get up again.

Monday, May 12, 2008
Multi-purpose vehicle
The monkey bus was going in for an oil change this weekend, so it was a good time to clean out all that had accumulated in there over the last months.
Apparently the bus is useful for so much more than hauling the troop around. It also serves as an oversized closet/toy box/trash can.
I am now aware as to why the bucket of matchbox cars had gotten so empty. That was really puzzling me, as we have a kazillion and three of them. Alas, they were all over the floorboards. Nice and cozy under all those jackets.
The art supply just increased by tenfold. I collected lots of crayons- most appear to have been brought home from restaurants, never making the journey into the house. Some are no longer crayon sticks- it appears as if they got an eensy bit hot in the sun and are now melded together in rainbow wax blobs.
I found lots of gloves and shoes… though no pairs. Each time two were worn out of the house, only one made it back inside. In fact, during the clean-out of socks and gloves, Blessing #3 discovered, as he pulled a leather glove out from under his seat,
It was a pretty random collection of stuff...
hiding between seats, under seats, behind seats.
Sunday school papers.
Halloween rings.
Candy wrappers.
Those free apartments-for-rent and houses-for-sale magazines.
As I wheeled around the driveway with my laundry basket of booty, at least four grocery sacks dangling from the handle and several more already on the garage floor, I had visions of those women who live out of grocery carts.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008
I've named it.
Not for this preggy moma.
No sirree. No cankles for me.
I don’t seem to have the problem of my whole ankle swelling up and blending in with my calf... I still have a defined ankle. But by the end of the day, the bottom of my ankles swell and melt down into the top of my feet. Or maybe the top of my feet swell and grow up into the bottom of my ankles. Whatever the case, I’ve diagnosed it.
Yup. I’ve got nighttime fankles.

Thursday, May 01, 2008
Smelly Spiffy socks
Last night was the end-of-the-year awards ceremony for our two Awana Cubbies. Blessing #4 wanted to wear the sparkly dress she saw hanging in the laundry. B#3 went upstairs in search of his clothes.
My socks are what make me look so fancy, aren't they?!"
Yup. Absolutely.
Those white, green-toed, Hanes athletic crew socks inside those Thomas sneakers.
I just grinned.
"Most definitely, bud."
