Turkey trot

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Thursday at the Zoo
It’s very exciting to watch kids learn to read and to write. But there is a downside: They may start labeling items around the house, such as siblings’ personal belongings.
Said labeling by Blessing #3 includes, but is not limited to, B#1’s purse which now says “PARSS” on the pretty pink strap.
Responding to the tears of B#3, I confronted B#5 who was methodically lining up the cars, a train stretching from bathroom to dinner table.
Monkey Moma: Did you throw a car at your brother’s head?
B#5, shaking his head with wide-eyed innocence: No.
He holds up bunny fingers: I threw two cars…. He. Mess. Up. My. Line.
Picking up B#4 from her class, I see that another little kid has just vomited in the room, apparently hit by the tummy bug that is making its rounds. I hurry her out of the room and whisper in her ear, trying to determine the threat level to my household.
MM: Did you play with that sick little girl?
B#4: Yes.
MM: Did you touch her?
B#4: I didn’t kiss her, Mo-om!
While driving, B#1 informs me that her substitute teacher has been teaching them some Spanish.
B#1: You know, it sounds more like real Spanish if you use a Spanish accent. “Uno. Dos. Tres….” Don’t you think so, Moma?
MM: Uh, yeah. Sure!
…If, by Spanish accent, she means biting the sides of her tongue while talking.
B#s1&2 have begun conversing in Morse Code.
B#1: No, it’s long-long, not short.
B#2: No, it’s long-short-long, not long-long.
B#1: No, it’s long-long.
B#2: No, it’s short-short.
B#1: Moooom! How do you say it in Morse Code?!
MM: I don’t know Morse Code. Oh wait! I know “S”! How do you know Morse Code?
B#1: Oh, it’s in my book I’m reading.
B#2: Oh, my teacher thought it’d be fun to teach us.
B#3: Awww, Mom! Why’d you pick clouds? I wanted the blue stripeys one!
Stripey one is also known as the skyscraper background.
B#2: Awww, Mom! Why’d you pick clouds? I wanted the jungley one!
Jungley one is also known as the forest background.
B#1: Awww, Mom! Why’d you pick clouds? I wanted the rainbow one!
Rainbow one is also known as the multicolored, criss-cross, neon sign-esque background.
Nevermind that he has cataracts. And allergies. And he’s been terrorized by the popcorn toy that B#5 chases him with. (a video that demontsrates such terrorizing)
Zacchaeus is in desperate need of a haircut. His doggy bangs are so long, I don’t think he can see. Between the hair and the cataracts, I’m sure he’s legally blind. He’s especially feisty and crabby these days. I decided this morning that it must be because he can’t see what’s going on around him. So I put his hair up in a ponytail. He’s a shih-tzu; he can get by with that- extra-long hair and multiple ponytails are all the rage, even for boys.
Mowgli sees cup. Mowgli thinks, “Hmmm. I wonder if there’s any milk in that cup.” Mowgli checks it out. Mowgli’s tongue is not quite long enough to reach the bottom of the cup. Mowgli pushes his head in a little farther. Mowgli gets head stuck in cup.
B#4 takes a nap. How she fell asleep like this, I cannot explain.
Upon searching for a missing 2 year old, I discovered him in B#6’s bassinet. The little turkey.
While nursing the baby, I turned to see two feet sticking out the back of the baby carrier. B#5 was settling in. The little turkey.
While at soccer, B#3 and B#5 thought it would be fun to knock over the big Rubbermaid trashcan... well, because they could.
MM did not think it was fun putting all the garbage back into the trashcan.
It seems that, if B#5 can diaper himself, he should be able to potty train. Unfortunately, said 2 year old has not the desire to potty train. The little turkey.
B#5: Mom! There’s jelly on your sewing machine!
There’s also a sandwich. There’s also a 2 year old in the chair next to the sewing machine. The little turkey.
I’ve been attempting to practice for church.
With an audience of Barbies.
While holding a baby in my lap.
While cars park in the key garages.
While carrying on kid conversations.
They grow up so fast… faster with every new Blessing, I think.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Hot Moma

After lunch's macaroni is done cooking and I'm taking to pan over to the sink, Blessing #6 says, "'Moke, Moma. I see da 'moke." Then I start to pour the noodles into the colander to drain the water, and the steam is billowing around my face as I lean over the sink. "Moma! Mom! AH!" *gasp* "Moma is da 'moke!"

Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Almost a year
We are hard pressed on every side,
but not crushed;
perplexed, but not in despair;
persecuted, but not abandoned;
struck down, but not destroyed.
~2 Corinthians 4:8,9~
In less than a week,
it will already be one year... I can't even grasp ahold of that. I can remember every word, every emotion, everything of that early Sunday-morning phone call. There is so much of a disconnect in my head that even though I know it's a reality, I sometimes have trouble believing it. I think it has been hard for me to accept since we're so far away. In my mind, it just feels like we'll go home for family vacation and all be together again. Yet, I know he is gone... but only from this earthly life. I am confident that we will be together again. And one day I, too, will wake up to find God's glory defined!Only with God is it possible that we've found the peace in the sorrow.
You've spoken softly through the storm
I've heard Your voice and I've felt the calm
I stand only because You've given me faith to walk
Only because
You carried me
You carried me through it all
And I believe
You'll carry me all the way home
SixBit & baby Laughter
Baby Laughter & SixBit
