Moma's Girl

Thursday, January 22, 2009
Yay! It's cold again!
I digress.
The repairman returned after a week. He brought the new computer board that was broken that had shut down the fridge. After replacing it, he then informs me that the refrigerator is still broken- that the compressor is fried, too. Visions of another week spent going to and from the garage for a cup of milk or for jelly to put on the sandwiches dance through my head.
These are not happy visions.
“Hear that hum and pop?” he says. “That’s not good. That means that the compressor isn’t working.”
But, alas, he was wrong. He eventually ran a double-check with a double-checker thingamajig. He put in a new relay thingamabopper and the compressor worked. So it wasn’t a fried compressor but, rather, a fried relay. He had a relay dealyschmealy in his truck, so he was able to replace it last night and not have to order another part.
What’s funny (not so ha-ha funny but more ironic funny) about the week-long awaited repair is that the part was shipped OVERNIGHT in the first place… because a broken refrigerator is a really big, important deal.
And because this made me laugh, here is a blip from Blessing #3’s bedtime prayer:
“…in Jesus’s name, Amen!.... wait, wait, wait. Oh yeah, and God? Thank you for this world because if you didn’t make us this world, then we’d all just be floating around in space. And then we wouldn’t be able to eat. And it’d be hard to get a drink. So thank you for this world! Amen!”

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
B#5 turns 3!

Blessing #5 is three years old today! The little guy is all about his "Teddy." His Muggins and I found Teddy at TJ Maxx when he was itty bitty, and he has been totally attached to it from the beginning.
A doubled cake recipe baked in...
2 pyrex bowls
+2 coffee mugs
+1 small casserole dish
+4 cupcakes
=1 teddy cake... and lots of dirty dishes!:)

More pictures of the birthday celebratin' are sure to follow...
I just need to find where I put my camera last night after I took the pictures of the cake!

Saturday, January 17, 2009
Career Day
Blessing #2 in Voice #2: I'm a doctor. What's the problem?
B#2 in V#1: Something is wrong with the patient!
B#2 in V#2: You're right. The patient has no heartbeat.

Blessing #1 wanted to be a teacher. The night before I asked her what she would dress in to be a teacher. She said, "just like what I wear everyday!" She most certainly planned it that way- that way if no one else in class was participating in career day, she wouldn't be embarrassed! Rather than send her to school with a pencil over the ear and a stack of textbooks- which she wouldn't have gone for anyway- I made her a school I.D. badge.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Sunday, January 11, 2009
Say what?
From the backseat, he says, "Oh, bro-other..."
"Yes," I say.
"What about 'oh man'? Is it okay for me to say that when we have to stop?"
"Yes," I say with a smile.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009
I took a picture.

Thursday, January 01, 2009
Drivin' into 2009
He's got the whole world in the van;
He's got the whole world in the van;
