An Engineer's Brain

Thursday, March 26, 2009
Overheard... and a birthday, too
B#3: Moma, why is there a big pile of dirt on the sidewalk?
Monkey Moma: I don’t know. Maybe they are digging a hole or something.
B#3: Hmmm… you know what I’m going to invent when we get home? A dirt picker-upper.
MM: Oh really?
B#3: Yeah, so then people can pick up dirt.
MM: Do you mean like a vacuum cleaner?
B#3: No, I mean like a dirt picker-upper. And it’s going to have a tank and a long tube that sucks up the dirt and a switch to turn it off and on and it’ll plug in. And then I’ll dump the dirt from the tank into a bowl. Mom, do you have a bowl I can use for my invention?
MM: Do you mean like a trashcan?
B#3: No, I mean like a bowl. Then I’ll dump the dirt from the bowl into a trashcan.
B#2, who was obviously eavesdropping, says, “Moma, Daddy... She wasn’t correcting you at all. She was actually incorrecting you.”
That got a laugh from the Hunky Monkey and the Monkey Moma. That was so clever that we now use it quite often, facetiously or not.
As in: Oh, don’t you even think about incorrecting me!
And fortunately I realized- before anyone else noticed!- that I had accidentally put a 4 on the cake rather than a 5. I was able to correct it before the cake came out and we were singing "Happy Birthday." B#4 might've cried had she seen that I really did cancel her birthday so she wouldn't get any older!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Idle hands...
Like having to transfer the newly-purchased gallon of milk to quart jars.

Some things are disturbing.
Like the discovered floaties in that new gallon of milk.
Because while occupying his time awaiting a refill, someone *ahem* Blessing #5 *ahem* felt the need to drop a wood chip and a macaroni noodle into the jug.

Monday, March 16, 2009
choose your horse wisely
Overheard in the kitchen-
Blessing #4: No, no, no! The bad guys always ride the brown horses, and the princes always ride the white horses!

Friday, March 13, 2009
turkey tacos, anyone?

Wednesday, March 04, 2009
School Cool Boy

Monday, March 02, 2009
March comes in like a lion...
