I've got birdseed and peanuts in my sombrero!

Friday, April 24, 2009
Triple-Dog Dare Ya!
We were eating steak the other night, and Blessing #3 eats his with ketchup. I showed him Daddy's "most special Vietnamese, uh, ketchup," told him it was the hot stuff, and said I'd give him a quarter if he took a bite of it with his steak. Surprisingly, he agreed and had taken the bite before I could even think about getting the camera out. It was hilarious, so of course I had to get him to do it again.:-D
Up the dare; up the ante- One bite of steak with a big glob of the paste and earn a dollar.
I was prepared this time and had the camera ready to roll.
Blessing #3 took the dare on his own free will. And, he really did enjoy himself. In fact, he decided to make a job out of eating the chili paste to earn some "more dollars," but it was a one-time offer. :)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sunday, April 12, 2009
Resurrection Sunday

Therefore, since we have been justified through faith,

Thursday, April 09, 2009
As we headed to soccer practice yesterday afternoon, I overheard the big girls talking to each other about B#5, while they sat on either side of him in the back seat of the Monkey Bus.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Andale! Andale! Arriba! Arriba!

Ah... a trampoline. :)

Monday, April 06, 2009

I hear footsteps on the stairs after the kids have been put to bed:
Monkey Moma: I hear someone on the stairs...
Blessing #3: Well, Moma. Zacchaeus is under [B#5's] bed. I can hear him growling under there.
I can not figure out why the dog would be under his bed or why he'd be growling. So up the stairs I go. By the time I get in the room, B#3 is on his hands and knees, peering under B#5's bed.
B#3: I don't get it, Moma. He must have zoomed away because he's not there any more. Where did he go?
I am in the process of getting on my knees to take a peek when he says, "Did you hear him? Zacchie just growled again! Don't you hear him, Moma? I don't get it! He's not under the bed, but where is he?"
I look under the bed.
No dog.
I hear a low growl.
Not a dog.
B#5 is fast asleep.
