Toad-ally makes sense...
God made everything is this world. Yup.
And I know how God turned the rocks into sand. Yeah-huh.
(whispering) He had a very. big. knife.
(wide-eyed) And it was shaaarp.
From the mouth of his 5-year-old sister:
Oh no... God didn't use a knife.
God made the rocks, and the sand came out of my froggy.

Monday, February 22, 2010
Thug Mug Shot
Just this morning, Blessing #5 completed an application for a library card. He was directed around the desk and told to stand behind the line. He hopped into position with a “Yippee! Yippee! Yippee!”
Meanwhile, another librarian, a much more *ahem* mature librarian, walked past.
B#5 has on his baseball cap, turned backwards. Not a big deal, right? Not for some of us. But for others, well, it would seem so.
“Aren’t you going to take that off your head for your picture?” Ms. Maturity asks him, as she seats herself at the desk.
He gave her the look. You know the one: the What-You-Talkin’-‘Bout-Willis look. He stands tall, lifts his head up, pushes his shoulders down, and then proudly proceeds to pull the hat low over his eyebrows.
Humphff. So there. He
His very first ever library card has his very first ever mug shot.

But even disparaging wardrobe comments cannot put a damper on his excitement. His card may bear a mug shot, but he cannot hide his joy. The smile stretches to his ears.:)

Friday, February 05, 2010
*Ah-ha!* moments
