
Monday, May 29, 2006
Family Holiday

Now it’s back to getting up early and getting to school. We have 2 weeks left. Now we’re ready for summer vacation!

Sunday, May 28, 2006
Flower Power

I tore this article out of our newspaper about a month ago… it’s taken me this long to get it blogged!
Match your mood to your flower:
Increase energy with red roses: Because red has the slowest vibratory rate and longest wavelength, it stimulates adrenal glands, boosting energy.
Enhance alertness with sunflowers: Yellow light waves stimulate the brain, making one alert, clear-headed and decisive. And because people generally associate yellow with the sun’s rays and daylight, it’s said to help people feel more optimistic.
Relax with bells of Ireland: Green affects the nervous system, allowing people to breathe slowly and deeply, slowing the production of stress hormones and helping the heart relax.
Boost confidence with irises: The color indigo stimulates the brain’s pineal gland, which is the regulator of sleep patterns. Indigo also helps to free the mind of worries, fears, and inhibitions.
Get a good night’s sleep with delphinium: Blue triggers the production of melatonin, a brain chemical that helps with relaxation and sleep. Blue also stimulates the thyroid gland to release thyroxin, a hormone that regulates metabolic rate.
Prevent allergies with orange daisies: Orange strengthens the immune system and the lungs, which can ward off spring allergies. Orange also has a strong beneficial effect on the digestive system and can stimulate (this is for those married folks) the sexual organs.
Relieve stress with lilacs: Violet has a cooling effect, alleviating “hot” conditions like heat rash and sunburn, and suppressing hunger and balancing metabolism. It also stimulates the pituitary gland, the part of the brain that releases tension-fighting beta-endorphins.
How did the flower test work for you? Does your mood match your flower?

Thursday, May 25, 2006
Strong Arm of the Law


Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Thursday, May 18, 2006
What's in YOUR backpack?

Monday, May 15, 2006
Sundae Monday

Scared Mama

Thursday, May 11, 2006
Big & Scary Mama
Yes, that WOULD be nice. Unfortunately many moms who take their kids all the way to the classrooms every morning choose to park in the drop-off lane rather than in a parking space (which would add like, what?, ten feet to their walks?!). This is quite frustrating for the rest of us. It only takes about 8 lazy mamas to block all the curb space… and that doesn’t leave much room to maneuver—in any car but especially in a Suburban. Plus the parking lot is designed for counter-clockwise flow only, so when the cars are parked in the spaces along the curve and cars are parked along the curb, there is no getting through… and you’re pretty much stuck there until one of those parked cars moves.
Several weeks ago, I called the school and let them know what was happening. The next morning I arrived to find they’d put out a couple orange cones and “student drop-off only” sandwich boards (Let me not forget to mention that the curbs are already marked NO PARKING). The problem maybe wasn’t quite as bad, but most of the lazy, selfish mamas just parked around the cones and did their same ol’ routine. I waited another week or two, and then I called the school again. They added a few more cones. Nope, those die-hard lazy ladies keep on parking. It’s the same ones every morning. Since the school has not decided to hire a parking lot monitor, I decided to volunteer my services! …Of course, I’m doing it Robin Hood style. You know, undercover and anonymous!!
I got on the computer last night and printed up my you-are-parked-in-a-no-parking-zone notices. We got out of the house a few minutes early this morning,

Well, moving on…
Last night was the Awana awards ceremony. M finished her first year of Sparks and L her second year of Cubbies. Next year, they will be in Sparks together, and B will be a Cubbie! Of course, B already has his weekly Cubbies night with Moma and Daddy, so when the girls got their vests on, he got one for himself

When we got home the kids went upstairs to do the bedtime routine. Except S. She snuck off into the kitchen to play in the sink… where I caught her brushing her teeth with the cleaning-the-muck-off-the-dirty-dishes brush. Double Ew... and definitely an “ew” in a completely different category than the watery milkshake “ew”!!!

Monday, May 08, 2006
Cool Girl

Saturday, May 06, 2006

We have an overnight artist! B went from scribbles-only artwork to a drawing of me-- his first drawing ever. It's a picture of Moma taking a shower, he said. I told him that I loved the lips he gave me. Aren't thet so full and pretty?!

Friday, May 05, 2006
Cinco de Mustard, Pixie Dust, & Rhuberry Pie

All the flying must really be wearing B out. He's been falling asleep at random times again. He fell asleep on his burger recently, and then he fell asleep on the potty a few days ago (recall the hide & seek

Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Hide & Seek

I sent M and L upstairs to check every room, as I went out the front door. My heart just sank because I saw that the front door was completely unlocked. I remembered locking it when had come in from school, so I figured he was out there. Amazingly I stayed calm, but my heart was racing. I kept calling out to him, and I looked out in the park, and I looked down the street, and I looked in the front yard on the other side of the driveway. The girls came out of the house and said he wasn’t upstairs. I told them to look again and to look in the bedroom closets and everywhere. I ran back inside, put T in the baby swing, and got my phone out of the kitchen. I went back outside and called N while I looked more. I called once and got the voicemail where I left the panicked “CALL ME BACK NOOOOOWWWW!!!!” message. Then I hit redial called right back again. I got him that time. Luckily he was in from the field and at the office, and he immediately left for home.
With no sight of B anywhere outside, I went back inside to look some more. I kept yelling his name over and over and looked behind the couches and under the tables and under beds. I said, “B, if you’re hiding from me, you need to come out right now! We’re not playing a game right now!” Never an answer from him, never a giggle, never anything. My heart was racing, and my mind was racing (Do I call the police? Do I drive around and look for him or do I stay here? Is he lost or does he even realize that he’s gone? Did somebody pick him up? Is he looking for me? Is he crying? Is he scared? Is he playing?). I stayed pretty calm on the outside though… (I didn’t need a nervous breakdown in front of the other kids.)
I went into our bedroom again, looked behind the chair, looked under the bed, looked into the bathroom. I started to leave, and then I turned back to the bathroom and went in further. Well, somehow in the girls’ grand searches, they had skipped our bathroom, and somehow in my quick room surveys, I hadn’t look far enough into the bathroom.
There, sitting on the potty, flopped over, was B—sound asleep. I don’t know how he didn’t hear us yelling and yelling and yelling for him. I called N, told him I’d found him (relieved that I’d found him, but a little embarrassed that I’d found him in such an obvious spot and embarrassed over how I must have sounded in my help-help-I’m-scared message). B obviously never knew what had happened, but I guess he sensed the urgency and nervousness because he was so clingy and needy and cuddly after that.
Okay, so fast forward to this morning. We take M to school and are running a wee bit late… I see Michael and his grandma headed down the street and we’re not even out the door yet (Michael is in M’s class). I send the kids out the door to get into the car, and I pick up my purse and keys, only to knock my drink over and have it spill all over the little desk at the front door. I mop it up with a towel from the bathroom and then run out to the car where the kids are already. We rush to school (as much as you can rush in a school zone). Well, this is a good story but is off the subject, so I won’t go into all that… but that is how the morning started. You get the idea! When we get back home, the kids start playing, picking up where they left off when we went to school. We’d been home all of maybe three minutes—I’m nursing T, and L comes in the back door, telling me something about outside. I notice that it’s awfully quiet. I ask where B and S are. She says they’re not out back. I don’t hear them upstairs. I tell her to go check the front door real quick and see if it’s unlocked. (This comes to mind so quickly because of yesterday’s scare.) She comes back and says yes. So I get up to go out front, telling her to go upstairs and check the rooms, and L says, “Well, I think they might be out in the front yard because the door is cracked.” The door was definitely open, unlocked and ajar, and they were definitely outside… off around the side next to the garage, filling up a toy bucket with rocks.
B and S are becoming quite the little buddies lately… and, boy, do they get into some mischief. After finding them outside, I drag them inside and then just a couple minutes later I hear them upstairs. I’m a little suspicious, so I go up the stairs to look. B has my bottle of water open and has stuck a ballpoint pen in it and is swishing it around. S has my chapstick and has turned it and smashed it all up in the lid.
Never a dull moment around here, that’s for sure.

Monday, May 01, 2006
Look Ma! No hands! (and no clothes?)

B has been quite the ornery guy lately. At random times throughout the day, he has been quite opposed to wearing clothing. I’m literally forcing his clothes onto him. A couple of times, he’s come out the front door when I’ve been outside, and I turn and see him, and he’s completely naked. He goes into the house hollering and fussing because I’ve told him he needs to get dressed. This morning, I fixed his cereal, and after I’d poured the milk in, he started crying because he didn’t want kid milk (whole) in it, he wanted some of that adult milk (skim). Too bad, go eat it anyways! He fussed, but I went about my stuff. I left the room to do something, and I came back to the kitchen. S wanted some more cereal, so I went to the bag of mini-wheats to refill her bowl. I noticed milk on the bag, and then I noticed milk in the bag, and then I noticed that the mini-wheats were sorta soggy. I asked why there was milk in the (new) bag of cereal. B says, “I didn’t like that bowl of cereal.” Evidently he just dumped in back into the bag, milk and all.
When B was on the potty this afternoon, S went in the bathroom doorway and started pulling off her pants and diaper. I asked her if she wanted to sit on the potty. She shook her head no, but she continued pulling off her pants. B got off, and I put the potty seat on and plopped S up there. She cried and said “nu-uh” but we all stood around and cheered for her when she went wet-wets in the potty. Then she was very proud and smiley. She just came down from her nap, and L has got her on the potty again. L opened the bathroom door to let me know that S had gone again. S just said “yay!” Moma says “yay” too!! Maybe I can get M and L to do some potty training for me this summer!!
T has been a good little sleeper lately. He’s been going down for the night at a nice, early (relative to prior bedtime!) time (about 10) and usually sleeps all night long. He’s still a happy, easy baby. He is full of grins. During church Sunday, he kept cooing and “giggling.” M likes to "mommy" him. She does a pretty good job of comforting him. Earlier he woke up from a nap and was crying to eat. She picked him up and was soothing him. Then I spy her out of the corner of my eye and she's lifting up her shirt. Guess she thought she'd take a stab at nursing him, too. I snatched him away and explained that was for moma to do.
Well, I'm smelling a stinky S, so I guess I'd better change her. Too bad she didn't take care of that while she was on the potty!
