The dog baby ate it

Monday, September 25, 2006
Zoo School

Science Class
We may not have four of them like our bovine friends, but after my five little monkeys, I’ve learned some interesting things about human stomachs… at least where my kid-humans are concerned.
Young humans have two stomachs.Project Experimentation
Most recent case in point: This afternoon Blessings #s 3 and 4 were both too full to finish lunch. I wrapped partially-consumed sandwiches in plastic baggies so that their food wouldn’t be wasted. Yet, these two moanin’ groanin’ can’t-ever-eat-another-bite-ever-ever kids were immediately quite hungry for a cinnamony-sugary-twisty treat from the Costco snack bar. I questioned how this was possible, commenting on their lunches that I had just set aside for later.
#3 matter-of-factly stated,
Our lunch tummies are full,
but our churro tummies
are not.
Project Conclusion

Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Trash Talk

Breakfast Banter
As the kids were moving like molasses this morning, I made a batch of cinnamon toast for breakfast. (Fast to prepare and gobbled up quickly!) After it was out of the oven and the kids had started eating, I turned and started on the dishes. It wasn’t much later when I overheard this delectable breakfast conversation.
Blessing #3 (Of course! Who else??): I like this toast. It’s sprinkley toast. It looks kinda black and white. Like bird poop! This is bird poop toast. I’m eating bird poop! (big grins) It tastes like bird poop! Mmm-mmmm… it tastes yummy. Yummy bird poop! (grins and giggles)
Meanwhile, Blessing #4:
Moma… Moma… Moma… Lookie, Moma… (I turn to answer her. She’s holding her cinnamony-sugary finger out for me to see.) Moma, look at my bird poop!I guess it only makes sense that my cinnamon toast would look and taste like bird poop… it's fitting since my soup smells like legs!
Freckled Kitty
After breakfast, #s 1 and 2 were getting on their shoes. #1 got these hot-pink Hello Kitty Crocs (Though, seeing as they are from Payless, I suppose they’re not truly Crocs.) Well, Little Fireball (a.k.a. Blessing #3) poked on those new hot-pink Crocs with a newly-sharpened pencil. “Foam” shoes + sharp pencil = permanent pokes. Suffice it to say that Hello Kitty now has freckles.
Welcome to My Trashcan. Now Scram!
Blessing #5 has started to belly scoot! He lifts up his bottom, brings his knees in, and pushes forward. It looks a lot like a caterpillar crawl. Or like Slimey on Sesame Street. Hmm... I wonder... does that mean I'm like Oscar the Grouch?!

Friday, September 15, 2006
I've been critiqued!
Check out this unsolicited recommendation for my blog--
That's awesome, Billy Mac. Thank you!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Zoo Rules
Whereas Murphy’s Law might say “Whatever can go wrong will go wrong,” Monkeys’ Laws say…
- If your daughter spent the first 2 years of her life screaming and holl
ering during every bath she ever got (beginning at the first sight of water and ending only when water was completely out of sight), the mystery switch in her little toddler brain will instantly flip, and she will begin crying because she wants to take a bath… and then cry some more when her shower is done. But at the same time, she will most definitely fall to the floor in a tantrum and shriek if she sees a washrag after mealtime.
- If you are at the grocery store, your baby will not stay awake for the three minutes it takes to walk out of the store and to the car, but will instead fall asleep as you are leaving
the check-out line… thus ensuring that the baby will be woken in transfer from cart-seat to car-seat and will not go back to sleep, but rather, will cry inconsolably until you are back home.
- If you go to school to pick up your kindergartner, and if you roll down the car windows so your other children can have fresh air while you walk up to meet her as she leaves her class, your son will magically transform into Bo Duke and your Suburban magically into an orange Dodge Charger and said son will have broken three previously discussed rules-- he will take off his seatbelt, will climb over the back seat, and will climb out the car window-- to come follow you… but he will only do this after you have already made it to the front of the school.
- If, right at lunchtime, your sandwich slips from your goofy fingers, it will not fall onto a plate, or onto the counter, or even onto the floor. Rather, it will fall into the kitchen sink… and undoubtedly into a cereal bowl full of dirty dishwater.
- If you are running late to pick up your first-grader, and you have finally gotten all children loaded into the car so you can leave, you will see an empty carseat and realize that you’ve left the baby asleep in the playpen… but only after you’ve locked the front door and your keys are already in the ignition.
- If you are in the front yard, your 3-year-old will open the front door, fully clothed, and holler, “Mo-omm!! I need you! I just went poops in the potty, and I want you to come in so you can wipe me!”
- If you are in the front yard, your 3-year-old will open the front door, completely naked, and come out into the yard, saying, “Mom, I didn’t want to wear my clothes, so I took them off.” He will also, unbeknownst to his mother, answer the front door in the same manner… to which the newspaper girl will respond, “I’ll come by later.”
- If you are inside the house, you will hear the muffled cries of your 3-year-old in the front yard, saying, “Mo-om!! I’m alone on the porch! I need to come inside!” And then as you unlock the front door to let him in, you try to figure out how he got out there to begin with? Hmm… and that question will obviously drive you crazy because you will probably never get a straight answer out of the kid.
- If you take your children to an always-unoccupied playground, the minute you unload from the car, a line of 30 kids will cross the street in front of you, following their teacher, and they will overrun the toys… and then you will, with a big sigh from yourself and a bunch of groans from your kids, reload into the car to go somewhere else... and that somewhere else will probably be home.
And when Monkeys’ Laws are in effect, and they certainly always are, Murphy’s Law dictates that, today, 9 of the 10 will occur.

Monday, September 11, 2006
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Where's my bumper sticker?

Enough of that little blurb, but still on the subject of soccer… my girls rocked! They had a great time and did awesome in their games!

Between games, we had a picnic lunch and the kids played on the playground toys they have at the fields. Then it was another trip to the potty and another game. M did super—so well that they kept her in the entire first half! That and also because there were only a few girls there for the game (one made it for like the last eight minutes… her mom followed the map and was in the wrong place).
When the second game ended, we trekked back to the car, reloaded and headed out.

Friday, September 08, 2006
My Friday 5
1. I've got an Ewok running amuck in my zoo.
2. Overheard in my kitchen:
Blessing #3: (in thoughtful pondering)
Hmmm... maybe God made us out of toys...
B #2: No, He didn't do that, silly boy!
B #3: (nodding head confidently)
Yes, yes... Oh, yes, He did.

Thursday, September 07, 2006
Zoo Food

Saturday, September 02, 2006
Meme theme: three
Three nicknames— Monkey Moma, LaughterThoughts, LT
Three people that make me laugh—Ross the Intern (video segments on Jay Leno), Fred Rixe (a weather guy in the area—the strong inflections in his voice crack me up every time—especially because when he ends his sentence with a really really lo-oow voice, he also says it in really slo-oow motion… I can’t really explain it. He makes me laugh, though!), my kids
Three things that I love—monkeys (and, of course, Monkey Daddy!), being a princess (I am a daughter of the King, after all!!), chocolate
Three things I hate—littering, being told a lie, when I’m running late
Three things I don't understand—no matter how early I set my alarm, one of the kids seems to wake up even earlier; why the spilled milk has to be between the cabinets and the refrigerator and why, when I am able to move the refrigerator OUT to clean up the spill, I can’t manage to push the refrigerator to IN (or why, for that matter, that same day the milk jug developed a pinhole leak (undiscovered for many hours) and puddled a half-gallon of milk in my fridge); no matter how long you wait it out before finally making the visit to the pediatrician, the child seems instantly better as soon the (ever-rising-$-amount-of-a) co-pay is forked over!
Three things on my floor—tennis ball, rubber band, dust bunny (bunn-ies, more accurately!)
Three things I am doing right now—typing, listening to the dishwasher, thinking I could use a nap
Three things I can do—play the cello (though it’s been a while) and the piano; type pretty fast and accurately; trust my gut feelings about people (I usually discover- even if it’s way down the road- that my instincts were right on)
.....On a side note, something I cannot do: watch t.v. upside-down
Three favorite foods— How about foods from these 3 places: Woo’s Teriyaki, Chapala Express, Nothing But Noodles
Three foods I do not like—refried beans (mostly I don’t like the look of them), raw onions, soggy bread
Three beverages I drink regularly—milk, diet sodas, water
Three shows I watch—LOST, Survivor, Everybody Loves Raymond reruns
Polka Dots and Princess Diaries and Jasmine, you’ve been tagged! You're it!!
