Not gone. Just lazy.
(i.e. its room not doubling as a bedroom for Blessing #5),

Friday, November 16, 2007
Blessing #3 is 5!
B#4's said that she was thankful for her dog, her cats, her sister, and her family.
Ahh... so sweet.
B#3, obviously still hungry after his feast... or with birthday on the mind, came home with a slightly different list.
"I am thankful for... pie
...pumpkin pie
Ahh... so sweet. Literally.
Last night we had a belated birthday celebration. B#3 wavered quite a bit in where he wanted to go. For a while, he didn't want to go anywhere. Though, that wasn't flying too high with me since I wasn't excited about the idea of having to cook and to do dishes! He finally chose Nothing but Noodles for dinner... mmm! I was happy with that choice. It was super-tasty!

Friday, November 09, 2007
My photograph
Blessing #3:
Hey, Moma. I'm going to draw your photograph. Open your eyes!
Smile. You can smile however you want to, Mom.
Now wave!

Monday, November 05, 2007
Expanded gallery
Speaking of my little sprite's artwork...
If you weren't aware of the recommended uses for the Magic Eraser, they do not include Sharpie on pajamas.
Or toenails.
Or cheeks.
Or noses.
Or eyelids.
Or ears.
Unfortunately, I do not think that this new display of artwork will be gone before the Monkey Daddy is home from work.
Blessing #4 is spending an incredible amount of disciplinary time on the couch.
Blessing #5 is apparently clueless to his new look, as he seems completely unfazed by his freckly nose, black eyeliner, and happy cheeks.

Friday, November 02, 2007
Abbra-cadabbra... Humph.
But, yet, has

Thursday, November 01, 2007
The Gallery

...on the bedroom furniture...

...on the kitchen barstool...

...on the front window sill...

...on the toilet lid.
...under her shirt.
