(Three-fourths) Dixie Chick

Sunday, July 30, 2006
Fumble! Food Follies
Let’s see… do I mention my most embarrassing moment in, like, forever?! We’ll just leave it at: I was getting the kids loaded up after church. I’m leaning across the seat, rolling down the windows. Big gust of wind comes, catches under my skirt, and, as I step back down onto the parking lot, it blows my skirt completely up. We’ve all seen the Marilyn Monroe picture… well, think of that but about 5 kazillion times worse. Long skirt… completely up and over my back.
Then there’s this evening when the kids were all outside eating dinner. N had already left for work. I was in the kitchen unloading the dishwasher (which reminds me… it is still awaiting reloading!), and T was sitting in his walker watching me. I looked out the window and saw all the kids around the little tree in the backyard. They were reaching up and waving sticks around, and it looked like they were trying to pull down branches. They weren’t, but when I thought they were, I went outside to stop them. After settling that, M says something about how they saw a man in an orange shirt that said “10%” on it. I asked if he was out in the park, and she said that he was over on the patio behind the garage, she thought—that when they were on the deck eating, she thought she saw him, but when she turned, it looked like he went away. So I start to go into “panic mode” and began to interrogate… “There was a man in the backyard? Tell me exactly what you saw.” She says something about what she thinks she might’ve seen. Anyways, we’ll just keep it short and get to the part where L says, “Well, Moma, we were thinking it might be the missionary who drinks milk.” To which, M chimes in, “Yeah, Mom… we think we might’ve seen him in the garden picking tomatoes, too!” Then they all proceeded to continue looking in the backyard for the “riddles” to the mystery man. (Even so, I checked the garage to double-check that the doors and window were closed and locked.)
Tonight I was putting the food in the dog’s bowl, and in a moment of total wet-noodle fingers, I somehow fumbled the pitcher of food. This was unfortunate because it happened just as T was wanting to eat his dinner. And unfortunate because I just recently refilled the pitcher. And unfortunate because the dog bowl is in the laundry room. And unfortunate because it didn’t just spill on the laundry room floor but on the floor between the washer and dryer… and much of it into the trashcan full of dryer lint and some into the box of dryer sheets and i

Saturday, July 29, 2006
Project Status: Complete (Completely!)

Stretch arms, stretch!

No, for real. I’m not joking! (This totally is not funny. You’re really NOT supposed to be laughing!) I’ve honestly been feeling my head all day to see if I can find a hairless patch. I don’t think one is there, but I really thought there might be. (I don’t know why I keep feeling for it, though. If there was a bald patch, would I really want to know about it?? Maybe, but maybe not. I’d just be self-conscious all the time. Of course, my hair is long enough that I guess I could have a pretty convincing comb-over!)
I was sitting at the computer doing email, and S climbed up behind me. She’s standing on the chair behind me, and I’m telling her that she had better get down because she might fall. (Mostly, I’m more annoyed with trying to read and type while her little body is pushing up against my back and she's hanging on me!) To this she responds, “No… Me not fall. I okay.” Or something similar... Just imagine a spunky (she’s a sweetheart, but she’s definitely got some spunk) little 2-year-old and you can pretty much figure what she might say and how she might say it...
Maybe thirty seconds elapse from our discussion… S loses her balance and falls toward the floor. I realize it’s happening, but I’m not able to react in time. It didn’t help that she was behind me. I tried to grab her, but my arms didn’t bend back around me very well! (I’m not Elastigirl* … though that would have been very handy!) On the way down, she grabs hold of my hair to try (I’m stressing try here) to rebalance herself. Needless to say, she hit the floor… still holding on to a fistful of my hair. Not only was it extremely painful (for me, not her- she was just fine!), but I cannot get the sound out of my head! Let me tell you, it is more than a little unsettling to throw a bunch of my own hair (which was, just a few moments before, happily growing in my head) into the trashcan. But it is very unsettling to hear the sound (over and over and over again) of the hair coming out of my head. Not as bad as rubbing Styrofoam or scratching blackboards (or an irritating song!) but still disturbing, none the less.
*Now, for the irony. I had already typed up this blog and thought I'd find a picture of Elastigirl to put with the post (which I did find but couldn't get to post). Didn't I just say "I'm not Elastigirl"???? Well, I guess I was wrong! I just took a quiz to see which Incredibles character I was most like. According to this highly reliable intenet quiz, I am Elastigirl. (So, I just don't understand, then, why wouldn't my arms stretch out and wrap around me like noodles to keep S from falling and save my clump of hair?!) Fancy that!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Rated C: Cute
This is a LaughterThoughts original video...
is your volume turned up?
Please watch it!
My little monkeys are saying hi!!
(also, super short-- but super cool-- video of T via ultrasound September 05)

Monday, July 24, 2006
Fuse Blew, Fuse Blues
"feeling blue 'cause it's not the fuse!"

Small Stage

Sunday, July 23, 2006
Purina Ballerina

Friday, July 21, 2006
Stop that thief!
I know, I know... I have this video is my sidebar, but I figure that you haven't actually checked out those video links. Am I right?! :-)

Want Ads

Friday: 108 F
Saturday: 110 F
Sunday: 111 F

Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Flowers & Veggies & Fruit, Oh My!

Monday, July 17, 2006
Sitting Duck

N is working a graveyard sort of shift right now... it's technically a 10-hour shift, but he's on the clock for at least 12. He works about 4:30pm to 4:30am. Quite an adjustment, but we all seem to be adapting fairly well. The biggest thing is trying to keep the house a little quieter during the mornings since N's sleeping when we're up and at 'em. He has started on the house painting. We're going with the slow and steady do-it-yourself method. The paneling was in need of a paint job, so we decided to get going on it. N plans on doing what parts he can and then hiring someone to just do the (scary) second-story parts he can't reach... (even on his humongously tall ladder!) So while we were freshening up the paint, we decided to freshen up the color a bit, too. We affectionately call the house "calamine lotion pink," but it's not really that pink... but, it is a little pink. You can't really see the original color in this picture because N had already put the primer on. The new color is the darker one around the light. He's going at it one little section at a time. This is in the back yard on the back side of the garage.

Sunday, July 16, 2006
On the Light Side

Friday, July 14, 2006
Operator? Operator?
A missionary was in our house yesterday. Evidently he came in and ate M’s sandwich… or so L says. L also says he’s invisible. M was really disturbed over this… mostly over the missing bites (or should I clarify—the bites she thought were missing) from her peanut butter sandwich but also over the idea that L was saying this missionary ate them. “A missionary did NOT eat my sandwich! And, anyways, if he’s invisible then how do YOU know he’s here?!” L said (with a big grin) that she can see him since she’s got “invisible eyes.” Understandably, I’m pretty confused as I try to figure out where L got this idea of a missionary “stealing” bites from my 6-year-old’s dinner... and why my 5-year-old is tormenting her so! But soon after L said he was invisible, it clicked. Oh, that’s right. I started all this. And then I just had to smile… ah, fond memories of grade school telephone… (Although I have suspicions that in elementary school some of the kids purposely altered the message as it went through the telephone line!).
Yesterday morning, in another moment of great distress, M (who is obviously tired and on the emotional side) “cried” (loud sobs and a big pouty face) because someone drank her milk and she didn’t even get one drink. I told her that she had actually been the one to drink it, and I showed her how the other kids had their own cups and were using those. She insisted, “But! But I do not remember drinking it! I did not drink it!” To which I, the unbelieving mom, say “It must’ve been Marvin, the imaginary fellow in the house who likes to drink kids’ milks when they’re not looking… I guess we’d better keep an eye out—I hear he likes peanut butter, too.” (Now, do not think that I was being a mean, insensitive parent… I knew M was just being whiny, and I was trying to get her to lighten up.)
So in our unprompted and unplanned game of telephone, L overheard all this and thought I said that Marvin was the missionary fellow living in our house. And I guess I did say he liked peanut butter.
It is funny to realize what kids think they hear sometimes. My mom could tell you about the time I was swatting at the “nasty little Christians” with the fly swatter. Turns out, those pesky house flies weren’t nasty little Christians at all… just nasty little dickens.

Monday, July 10, 2006
fo' swizzle, fo' shizzle
