Marketing the Blog
So I visited the advertising slogan generator that I found while I was here. These are my top picks of the slogans it produced:
LaughterThoughts Wanted.
Have a Break. Have a LaughterThoughts.
LaughterThoughts Tested. Mother Approved.
Time to Make the LaughterThoughts.
For the LaughterThoughts You Don't Yet Know.
We’re Serious about LaughterThoughts.
Have a LaughterThoughts and Smile.
The LaughterThoughts that Smiles Back.
What do you think? Let me know!
How about you... What slogans does it generate for you?

Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Hot lunches: super, soup-er, and silly

Thursday, August 24, 2006
So that's how it works...
Blessing #3: Moma, I need to go potty.
Monkey Moma: Okay, but let’s hurry up and get back in bed.
B#3: Mom, I tried to go poops, but I couldn’t go. I just went wet-wets.
MM: Oh, did you think you needed to poop?
B#3: Yeah, but not any more. Now I don’t need to. My bottom poop doors are shut.
MM: (suppressing laughter) Your bottom poop doors?
B#3: Yup! You can’t go poops when your bottom poop doors are shut.
(He gets off the potty and starts back towards his bed, then turns around and runs back to get on the potty again.)
B#3: Mom, I’m going poops now! My bottom poop doors are open! Poops push open bottom poop doors... That’s how you go poop, Moma, did you know?! The doors have to open first!”

Monday, August 21, 2006
Dog Days
Zacchaeus is our little shih-tzu. He has a sweet temperament and that super-sweet, smooshy shih-tzu face. But I admit that he does have some quirky little habits. Off the top of my head, here are a few of them…
2.) He howls… not at the moon or at fire trucks but at the kids. He starts yelping away when the kids are crying too long or when they’re squealing too loudly or when they’re laughing too enthusiastically. (This howling is such a common occurrence that these days, he is even to the point that when he’s starting to holler, he’s also starting out the doggie door. He knows someone will soon be hollering back at him... “TAKE IT OUTSIDE, ZACCHAEUS!”)
3.) He licks the air. He does this quite a bit. I’m not sure what he’s after (maybe good smells?), but it’s a pretty funny sight when he’s just lick-lick-lickin’ away at nothing. Which brings me back to my LaughterThought for today-- Even funnier than his random licking is that my picture actually caught him mid-airlick. This candid shot definitely gives me the grins!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Oliver Twist?

This evening we were completely out of milk, and so we were having a milk crisis. In our state of milk-emergency, we drove to the gas station to buy some. I figured I’d pay the little bit more for a couple gallons to get us by until we make a Costco or Wal-Mart trip. As soon as we got home, the kids were ready to have some. I poured four cups and divvied them up. Of course, as expected, B says, “I didn’t want that much. May I please have a little bit more?” Impressed by the good manners (but still not willing to lose the battle of Little-Bit-Mores), I took his cup and said “Oh, I’m sorry! Let me see…” I turned around, set the cup down on the counter, picked up the milk jug (the lid still on), set down the milk jug, picked up his cup, turned around and gave it back to him. I hadn’t put any more milk in it, but I guess it looked much better to him. After he got it back, he said, “Now, let me see... Wow!!!” He felt victory. So did I. :-) (I guess it’s all perspective!) Of course, then he thought that blue milk would be nice because it would match his cup. He asked if I’d put in a little bit of those droppy color things. I did not get out the food coloring; he did not get the blue milk. But he also did not even bother trying to fight for it. He was just happy to be drinking all that big & wild milk I had put in his cup.
When it came time to brush his teeth tonight, he called me into the bathroom to help him. He decided we needed to go over some rules before brushing his teeth. (I’m sure it was in an effort to stall bedtime a little.) Getting a very serious look on his face, pointing his finger up into the air, and nodding his head, he said, “Now, Moma, we need to talk about the rules. Please and thank you are the magic rules. These are very important. Now, there are other rules, too. Like there’s also the… toothbrush rule. And the toothpaste rule. And the towel rule. And the sink rule. And the water rule. And the soap rule…” While he’s saying all these very important rules, he’s talking very s-l-o-w-l-y and he’s looking around for what he can mention next. After these were all said, I thought he was done. I was wrong. “Please put down the toothbrush, Moma. We need to talk about the last rule. Now the last rule is… very important. The last rule is… We need to talk about the last rule. It is… the last rule is Don’t spill.” I said, “Okay” and he let me brush his teeth. After he was in bed and I was turning out the light, he reminded me (still nodding his head and still holding up his finger), “Remember Moma. The last rule is ‘Don’t spill.’ It is a very good rule!” I agree, that is definitely a very good rule. Unfortunately it is one that probably gets broken daily at our house!

Sunday, August 13, 2006
For the birds

Way back towards the end of the school year, I told the kids that I had a fun little project we could do… something I had done when I was in elementary school. We were going to make birdfeeders out of pinecones. We already had the seed, and I was going to buy a cheap jar of peanut butter. But we didn’t have any nice big sprawly pinecones. The ones in our yard are the small, tight ones. So I mentioned this project idea in May, probably. In June we went to church Family Camp up in the mountains, and I brought home seven big beautiful pinecones (one for each of us, of course!). I put them on the shelf in the garage. I just needed peanut butter and free time! Well, last night we all sat out in the driveway and (finally!) made our pinecone feeders. We hung them around the front yard in several places. We put three of them on the blue spruce. The kids were so excited to come home from church this morning and "sneak" up the street to the driveway so we could see if there were any critters munching on the food. No such luck. So tonight we got in the car and started backing out of the driveway, all the while the kids looking so see if they could spy any birds or squirrels. Nothing was out eating on them, but something had been… and it left with one of the pinecones! There at the bottom of the spruce was a lone, dangling string... Must have been one of the squirrelly squirrels!

Thursday, August 10, 2006
itchy & scratchy

Monday, August 07, 2006
Chicken Run

I don’t know, but...
I made pancakes for breakfast this weekend. With N’s work schedule, he was sleeping in later. The kids had already eaten, and I finished cooking all the pancakes. When I got to the end, I took the last of the batter in my pitcher and made one final big pancake for N. Maybe it was partly out of laziness, but I still thought he’d enjoy a large pancake! And since I was surprising N with a big pancake, I figured the surprise would be even sweeter if it wasn’t just a big pancake but a b

What do you think?

Friday, August 04, 2006
Too Much Time Tickering
Meet my monkeys:

Thursday, August 03, 2006
New Things

New excitement for T is a snack of Cheerios. He usually requires some help getting them in his mouth, but he does make a good effort at it! It keeps him pretty entertained (and he's getting some practice at that ol' hand-eye coordination!). When he does get one in, he's very happy. This is his "wowzers!" picture:

With this new-found independence, he also decided to take charge this morning at breakfast. While my back was turned, he pulled the cereal bowl closer, took out the spoon, and stuck it in his mouth... all the while splattering cereal everywhere, of course!
