Goody goody two shoes

Well, on a completely different note… do you remember how, in The Call of the Wild, the dog Buck was deeply loyal to his master Thornton, but he had this growing attraction to the wild and felt as if he was being called away from civilization and into the wilderness? He had befriended the wolves but at the end of the day, he always returned to Thornton...

Oh Gypsy, Gypsy… tsk, tsk!

Thursday, January 25, 2007
Mustache? No, just a hairnose.

B#3: Moma, I don't think I'm going to be able to wear this ever again.
Monkey Moma: Why is that?
B#3: Because I'm too little for it.
MM: But you're growing bigger and bigger every day. Did you know that? Some day you'll be a big boy like Daddy. Boys grow up into men.
B#3: Really?! Wow! ...And I'll have big hairnoses, too?
MM: Hairnoses? Oh... does Daddy have big nose hairs?
B#3: No, Daddy doesn't... (and then in great admiration and awe) but some daddies do! Sometimes their hairnoses are pokey. Sometimes they're squiggley. They have hairnoses because they have hair in their noses. All different colors of hair!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Mmm-mm... mouth watering!

Monday, January 22, 2007
Baby Blues Monkey Zoo

Saturday, January 20, 2007
Birthday Boy

Thursday, January 18, 2007
Photo Challenge

Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Pierced Ears & Tobogganing ToBLOGganing Monkeys
We weren't surprised by the cold temperatures, but we were surprised by the snow. Figuring it wouldn't last, I took a picture of the backyard a little after lunchtime. It didn't stop snowing, so after we had picked up the girls from school and met Monkey Daddy at work, we came home and dug out the snowsuits and then headed to the local middle school to go sledding on its great hills. It was a lot of fun! But Blessing #5 tuckered out, so we came back home for some hot chocolate and a whole bunch of spaghetti. (In fact, we only quit eating because we ran out of pasta. The little monkeys gobbled it up... all that hill climbing worked up some hearty appetites!)

Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Tuesday's Tidbits

When a baby finds a Post-It note on the kitchen floor, he will stick it in his mouth and keep it in there until he either swallows it or it disintegrates into nothingness. You will

A spraying water bottle, initially purchased to ease home haircuts, is a great disciplinary tool. For example, if your kids are having trouble settling down and staying in their beds, or even in their rooms for that matter, just give the trigger a pull, send out a mist, and you will not find those monkeys in the hallway again. (Remember, proper aim is important. This method is not fully effective unless the spray goes toward the face.) The bottle also serves a triple purpose, as it works wonderfully in aiding the removal of a chubby finger stuck inside a hole

When taking five little kids to the dentist office, Mom will think ahead to plan on ways to make the visit pleasant and fairly uneventful while the older two are in their appointments.
Mom plans on taking the kids’ new water bottles with the little snack cubbies on the bottoms. Then Mom remembers the “Please No Food or Drink” sign on the front doors of

Mom knows that naps are essential for the sanity of everyone. Nevertheless, seemingly insufficient car naps, especially those taken on the way to the dentist, result in rather crabby children when those children are awakened
Limiting the amount of luggage makes for an easier trip into and out of the

After Blessing #2 told me my food in the oven smelled “divine” (certainly only because it was not her breakfast), she then asked me what divine meant. So after I talked about divine, we then talked about heavenly. And from there we talked about heaven and things we will see in heaven. We talked about the peaceful, beautiful, happy place full of love and praise and worship and joy. We talked about seeing pearly gates and streets of gold. I didn’t get any farther because it was at this point that B#1 decided to join into the conversation. At first I thought she was just spewing out some 6 year-old sass...
B#1: You probably wouldn’t ever even see those things in heaven, though.
Monkey Moma: And why not?
B#1: Because when you’re in heaven, you maybe won’t see them...
I know I’m gonna wanna spend all my time looking at Jesus.

Thursday, January 04, 2007
When duty calls

This afternoon, after I smelled, sought, and found, I begin to change this feisty 2-year-old's diaper. I keep telling her this is the last box of diapers. "We won't be buying anymore." I continue to reinforce the fact that big girls-- like her sisters and her moma-- don't wear diapers. And the fact that when you do things in the potty instead of in a diaper, you don't have those icy cold wipes rubbed on your goosebumpy bottom. And big girls who wear panties get to do big girl things like go to big-kid Sunday school and to Cubbies...
She is consistent with her response: a guilty grin and a slow shake of the head.
Today there was more to the sheepish smile and head shake. She explained everything, and now I understand.
"Me no go poopies, Moma. My diaper go poopies."
Those stinkin' diapers. Why do they have to be doin' that?
