Poop Doors- Take 4

She opened the doors! Not only did she open them, she opened them in public! So obviously I continue to encourage her. “You did?! SUPER job, Moma’s big girl! You are such a big girl opening those doors. Moma’s soooo proud of you! Now keep going… did you go poops?"
“No, I all done. I go wets. No poops. Me all done, Moma.”
“Oh. Didn’t you open the doors?”
“Yep! I did! I opened the doors! Moma, I’m done now.”
“Oh… did the doors close?”
“No.” She gets off the potty and lets me know it’s my turn. Hmmm… alrighty then. I haven’t talked to B#3 about that yet. The wind blows ‘em open, but I don’t think the wind blows ‘em shut. I make a mental note to find out what information I can glean from him on this particular subject, and then I get ready for my turn. I get everything situated, and I sit down and settle in.
“I go wash my hands, Moma…?” She asks this as a question, but she’s already assumed the answer, so as I’m still forming the words of “Yes but not yet, let Moma finish first,” she’s already opening the door. “See, Moma? I opened the doors!”
Oh yes, I see now. She’s unlocked the stall door.

Monday, June 25, 2007
(police) Lights! (digital) Camera! (car cruisin') Action!
You’ve got the old fancy classics, the new fancy Lamborghinis, the race cars, the monster trucks. (And, of course, there’s always that one late-80's Corolla entry.)
Lights and sirens and radar guns, oh my!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Are you smarter than a third grader?

I don't know if it's even possible to pass the third grade according to this web test...
since I haven't been successful yet!
But after a couple attempts at the test, I'm proud to let you know that I've scored 40/48.
(83% is passing by my standards!)
U.S. geography is not my best subject, and I guess I just need to brush up on it some.
And, for the record, I think I'd do much better if I didn't feel so pressured by the quickly moving timer bar...
As soon as the page loads, the timer starts ticking...
be prepared!
How do you score?

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Wednesday, June 13, 2007
the Wednesday woozies
Especially weird ones. Up close.
Since the sight of a certain creepy crawler has made my stomach a bit squeamish, maybe someone can tell me what this unidentified bug is.
B#1 thinks it's a spider with two legs pulled off... carrying a bunch of spider babies.
(Ugh. Please no!)
It bears some resemblance to a big ol' fat dog tick full of dog blood, but no, don't think it's that either. I stand corrected, specifically with this picture from a place far, far away. Ugh ugh ugh. Where? How? I have never ever ever seen a tick here.... much less an 'engorged nymph.' Ick.
This bug was discovered five feet away from me.
This bug has hairy bottom. (Can you see that in the picture?!)
This bug looked way too full of guts to squish...
So I just tossed him outside the front door. After he fell into the vinca, I immediately wished I had walked a little farther and had thrown him into the street so the trash truck could have rolled over him. Again, why? Why didn't I toss it in the street! I just threw a dog tick into my front yard and did not squash it.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Three-tidbit Tuesday

1- The little guy loves mac ‘n’ cheese.
And he loves chocolate-covered raisins.
He does enjoy eating the food, but he likes wearing it just as much.

2- The littlest gal had a case of unexplained bleeding.
She wore a bloody grin and didn’t seem to be bothered by it.

3- Inadvertently leaving toilet paper in a kitty-accessible area (also known as: on the edge of the tub next to the potty) may mean that one enters to find the bathroom has been teepeed.
But you know who’s to blame when the evidence is stuck to his mouth.

Friday, June 01, 2007
B#2 Biography
