Bedtime Stories

Friday, February 23, 2007
Small prices, big services
“Come to (insert my name here)’s 30th birthday celebration on February 17, 2007! 5:30pm! (insert my address here) Call (insert my phone number here) if you have any questions. Pass this invitation along to all your friends! See you Saturday! This was written by a 7 year old!”
B#2 says, “Oh yeah! She snuck across the street to leave the invitation!” (giggle, giggle) “She told me she was going to do that!”
I would’ve kept it because it was so funny, but it’s a little smelly. (One of those ornery tomcats must’ve marked it). I’m not sure why the neighbors left it out there, but surely they must not have seen it… No one showed up to my party! ha,ha!
Who would’ve thought B#1 could’ve topped herself the same day! As I’m working on dinner yesterday afternoon, she marches into the kitchen.
(I interject here to give you some background. Upon a friend’s tip about the Nancy Drew Notebooks geared toward younger readers, I picked up three at the library Monday night. By Thursday morning, she’d already read all three. So Thursday I returned those three and borrowed three more. By the time she fell asleep last night, she had read another one.)“Just so you know, Mom, I’m going to be setting up a desk in the front yard with a sign-up sheet that says, ‘If you need a mystery solved, please sign here for just one dollar...’ Or maybe it should say ‘50 cents.’ Anyways, this is kidwork. Just like Daddy goes to work and makes money for the house, this is what kids do. Do you get this, Mom?” I suggested that maybe it would be better to set up her detective agency indoors. “I know what I’m doing… I need a money-collection box.” Fortunately for her, she found an empty tissue box that is now serving as her cash box. (Unfortunately for B#2, this empty box had already been discovered in the trash and was serving as her doll’s new ‘trash collection box.’)
I walk into the living room and say that we can’t take the detective desk out front because it’s raining. “That’s why I put a top protector on it, Moma.” Yep, indeedy… She’s got a vinyl tablecloth draping the piano bench. She heads to the laundry room and comes back with my step stool. “This is my chair. I’ll need to sit while everyone is lined up to sign up for my mystery solving.”
Turning to her siblings, “You guys wanna watch? You can pretend to sign up so I can practice. You’ve gotta put real money in, though.”
Today she headed to school with her mystery clues notebook in her front jeans’ pocket. Evidently, she had it with her just in case she ran into a mystery at school… but it seems that, at some point during the day, it fell out and is now lost… the last time she actually saw it was walking to class after I dropped her off. The loss wasn’t discovered, though, until we arrived home this afternoon. Wailing cries of sobs and sorrow ensued. A new notebook has been promised by yours truly.
After school, once she realized that I was still not going to let her set up shop in the front yard, she got to work on her “better” idea. Now my front windows and a couple of the trees are adorned with signs that advertise her sleuthing-for-hire. She has moved her office into the entryway. I read the front door sign that said “FREE,” and I decided to come up with a mystery for her to solve. I hadn’t even gotten my name down when she asked for my 50 cents. I objected, “But your sign says ‘free.’” “No,” she says, “it’s free to call me. You have to pay to sign up your mystery.” “But shouldn’t you get paid after you successfully solve the case?” “No, that’s not how it works, Mom.”
Despite the slight case of false advertising, I will still hire her to solve a mystery. I just need to create one first. I’ve got a little time, though. She’s distracted with other things… she’s reading another Nancy.

Saturday, February 17, 2007
Birthday Cake Baklava

For lunch the kids had sticks & stones (a.k.a. fish sticks & chicken nuggets) and then headed over to play at our friends’ house… Monkey Daddy and Monkey Birthday Moma went on a late-lunch date Down Under. Mmmm! After church tomorrow, we plan on going out for pizza or something for a “birthday meal” as a family.
When I got up this morning, the kids had made me some really sweet cards. Blessing #2’s had this precious drawing of me in a party hat (with balloons and confetti even) opening piles of presents and cards. She also put a quiz on the back of it:
Ha wld r you? (How old are you?)
B#3 ran in to the living room to quickly get me a present. He came back with a Magna Doodle wrapped in computer paper for me to open. Then he sat in the kitchen and drew pictures of my birthday on it. He drew a cake and asked me what number he needed to put on it.

Thursday, February 15, 2007
Homemaking ABCs
So there you go! Now it’s my turn to pass on the fun, so I tag the Queen of the Castle over at Princess Diaries, Pinky at her PolkaDot Place, and the Mama Bird at Flamingo Lingo….
Join in, and play along!:)

Barber Shop

After coming home from dropping the older girls off at school this morning, I pulled out the trusty water bottle and set up shop. It was a haircut morning for B#3. Except for the last time I gave him a haircut, every time I’ve done a mushroom cut on him. (A total flashback to 1980s America, I know, but I am an 80s girl!) Anyways, the haircut is so stinkin’ cute on him and it just seems to suit his personality… so after a one-haircut hiatus, we’re back to “the bowl.” Though in the past I’ve never actually used a bowl, on a whim I pulled one out today.
Why are you getting your stuff down from up there for my haircut, Moma?
Why is there a bowl on my head?
The tupperware helmet lasted long enough to get in a few snips of the scissors… and a picture, of course.
In the middle of the haircut, he snaps his around (mid-snip, I might add) to try and watch me as I’m cutting on the back of his head.Lemme see those cutters, Moma. Hmmm… can I hold those scissors? I think I’d like to try them out on my hair.
I finished cutting, as his attention span was leaving and the squirmies were arriving. Now he and B#4 are watching a Wallace & Gromit cartoon. The “one with the refrigerator on the moon” was specifically requested by him. And because, from this cartoon, he knows that the moon is made of cheese, he also specifically requested a piece of square cheese and two square crackers for a video snack… “because that’s what Wallace and Gromit like to eat.”

Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy Valentine's Day!

Saturday, February 10, 2007
mmm-mm, gimme nnnuh-uh!
I captured a short video to illustrate.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Save me from the poop, Superman!

I see a mini-Superman running through the kitchen making an awful lot of racket. I ask him what is making all the noise. Blessing #3 informs me that it is the tin of dominoes in his Superman pants. When I say something along the lines of “Get those outta there, kiddo!” he lets me know that he cannot.

Ahh…. well, fair enough, I suppose.
This was soon followed by the shrill of
"Moooommmmmmaaaaa!" Hysterical shrieks of panic and sadness ensue, and I call to Blessing #4 to find out what the problem is. The only response I get is more “Mooommmmaaaa! Commmmee heeeeere!” She was upstairs in her sisters’ room. She’s squatted on the floor in front of the dresser. Amid the sobs and tears, “Get it off, Moma! Get it off! Ewww! Icky! Get it off, Moma!”

“Ewww! Look, Mommy. Get it off! Yucky!” More sobs. More tears. More squeals.
I look down at her hand. Looks a little like she’s been in soggy graham crackers. Hmmm… how’d she get the crackers? And why did she chew them up and then spit them onto her hand? Utterly clueless.
Then I realize that it’s poop. Immediately I’m mentally trying to figure out where to place the blame. The dog? The cat? The new cat? I ask her where the poop is. She points behind her. There, in a squishy little pile, is the poop. It finally registers that it’s her poop. All I can think is, where are your panties? (I guess since they weren't on, she was trying to catch it with her hand...?) I found them. Downstairs in the bathroom.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Birthday Girl

Saturday, February 03, 2007
Broken Hearted
